2025-03-08: Mosaic Garden Stakes


4 in stock

SKU: 2025-03-08 Category:


Saturday, March 8 : 12-4pm
Sunday, March 9 : 12-2pm

This is another “glass on glass” mosaic project, but with a plexiglass backer instead of glass. I will provide a steel stake form to hold your mosaic, but the real masterpiece will come from you – your design and glass selections. Once completed, all you need to do is find a sunny spot outside and let the sun light it up!

Saturday, you will create your design and execute it with stained glass scraps. Sunday we will grout, clean, and polish so it’s ready to plant in your yard or garden when you get home!

Since everyone’s artistic process and timing is different, anyone who has not finished gluing on Saturday will go home with tools and materials to finish on your own, so you’re ready for grouting on Sunday. Feel free to peruse Pinterest for ideas that appeal to you, I’ll assist you in selecting a suitable design in class.

All tools and materials provided, no experience necessary. Ages 10-15 with accompanying adult.


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